Indonesia trip November 2024
In November 2024, we went to Indonesia partnering with local residents who live in Jakarta, visiting various schools and orphanages in order to decide who we could sponsor for the future on a monthly basis. So many stories, so many tears, so many difficulties that people have gone through and we at Abond want to make a difference in the lives of these people.
It was amazing to partner with other christian believers, being able to share about God's love, play various games to connect with the children and seek to alleviate the difficulties that many of these children have gone through. When it comes to helping those in need, there are various strategies that can make a significant impact. Whether it's providing food, shelter, or support, every effort counts towards making a difference in someone's life. While we helped provide those needs, we believe that only God can provide through healing.
One of the most impactful stories was in Rumah Pemulihan Gerasa, an instituion for women with mental disorders founded by pastor Lukas and ibu Fera in 2011. When they received a burden from God, they started to take women from the streets with mental disorders to care for them, help them and provide them with a better future. Sadely, men have taken advanatge of these women and some have been raped. Pastor Lukas and Ibu Fera have taken these women in and they have given birth in their home and you can see the beautiful children in the photo above.
Some women, have been released to be with their families and many of the 73 women currently there are on the road to recovery with drastic improvements.
Having heard their story we have decided to partner with Rumah Pemulihan Gerasa to help the children particulary with their needs, such as: education, food, transportation and more. What an honour it is to contirbute in changing the lives of these precious young people and what an honour it is to serve them.